Step-By-Step How To Use ShopRaise

The first step is to download the ShopRaise app! You can download the app on iOS or Android devices. You can also register and sign-up for the app on a computer before downloading. To sign-up, click on this link. Sign-up can be done with a Google Account or Facebook Account for ease.

Screenshot of the sign-up page for the ShopRaise App.

Once you have registered and signed into the ShopRaise app, you will need to find Brain Injury Association of South Carolina as the cause type to show for. This is important because if you shop through this app and want percentages of your purchases to go to our organization, you will need to designate that in the app!

Do this by choosing the "Charity NPO" cause type.

Screenshot of the different cause types on ShopRaise and how to find Brain Injury Association of South Carolina to receive percentage of profits.

Once you choose "Charity NPO" use the search bar at the top of the app and put in "Brain Injury Association of South Carolina". Our organization name will be displayed and you will click on, or choose, that organization to donate percentage of purchases to.

Screenshot of the ShopRaise App and how to find Brain Injury of South Carolina as the Charity NPO to donate percentages of purchases to.

Once you have chosen Brain Injury Association of South Carolina as your organization to donate a percentage of your purchases to, you can then browse through the THOUSANDS of Online Retailers to find products you want to purchase or stores that you prefer to shop at.

You can also use the search bar at the top of the app to search stores by name. The photo above shows that "Old Navy" has been typed in the search bar and results show up below.

Each store will state under the name what percentage of purchase will go to our organization. Percentages do differ depending on the store.

Screenshot of the ShopRaise app with a list of the online retailers participating.

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Interactive Screening Program through SC Department of Mental Health